Marta Catalano

I am an Assistant professor of Statistics at Luiss University in Rome.
Previously, I was a Harrison Early Career Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick. I am also affiliated to the de Castro Statistics Initiative at Collegio Carlo Alberto and to the BayesLab at Bocconi University.
A full version of my CV may be found here.

Research Interests

  • Bayesian nonparametrics
  • Statistical optimal transport and Wasserstein distances
  • Stochastic processes and random measures

Upcoming Events


  1. Merging Rate of Opinions via Optimal Transport on Random Measures.
    M. Catalano and H. Lavenant (submitted). [arXiv]

Main Publications

  1. Hierarchical Integral Probability Metrics:
    A distance on random probability measures with low sample complexity.
    M. Catalano and H. Lavenant (2024).
    International Conference on Machine Learning, forthcoming.
  2. A Wasserstein Index of Dependence for Random Measures.
    M. Catalano, H. Lavenant, A. Lijoi and I. Prünster (2023).
    Journal of the American Statistical Association, forthcoming.
    [arXiv] [bib] [web]
  3. A Unified Approach to Hierarchical Random Measures.
    M. Catalano, C. Del Sole, A. Lijoi, I. Prünster (2023).
    Sankhya A, forthcoming.
    [pdf] [bib] [web]
  4. Bayesian Modeling via Discrete Nonparametric Priors.
    M. Catalano, A. Lijoi, I. Prünster and T. Rigon (2023).
    Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 6, 607–624.
    [pdf] [bib] [web]
  5. Posterior Asymptotics for Boosted Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Mixtures.
    M. Catalano, P. De Blasi, A. Lijoi and I. Prünster (2022).
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(80), 1−23.
    [pdf] [bib] [web]
  6. Measuring Dependence in the Wasserstein Distance for Bayesian Nonparametric Models.
    M. Catalano, A. Lijoi and I. Prünster (2021).
    The Annals of Statistics, 49 (5), 2916-2947.
    Winner of the ASA-SBSS 2021 Student Paper Competition.
    [pdf] [bib] [web] [YoungStatS blog]
  7. Approximation of Bayesian Models for Time-to-Event Data.
    M. Catalano, A. Lijoi and I. Prünster (2020).
    Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14, 3366-3395.
    [pdf] [bib] [web]


  • Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine Postdoctoral Prize, University of Warwick (2022)
  • Finalist, Savage Award 2021 ‘Theory and Methods’ (2022)
  • j-ISBA Blackwell-Rosenbluth Award (2021)
  • IMS New Researcher Travel Award (2021)
  • ASA-SBSS Student Paper Competition (2021)



Luiss University, Viale Romania 32, 00197, Roma, Italy.